Personalized marketing can be a very good method to attract and retain players. Personalized marketing makes it possible for businesses to send specific communications and offers based on the game habits and behaviour of each player, with the aid of data analytics.
Casinos for instance might also re-direct potential players by sending a welcome email or text message welcoming them and urging them to stay. They might even offer up specials or rewards based on what every player wants.
Real-time data analytics
Real-time data-analytics are a must-have tool for casinos, allowing them to monitor player behavior and game performance to improve both operations and marketing strategies. Real-time analytics also catch any fraud or anomalies that mitigate risk for customers and casino business.
With data analytics, casinos can create bonuses, promotions and gaming experiences specifically based on player interest – which has had the success in keeping customers.
Casinos can leverage data analytics to adaptively modify game difficulty according to player ability so games are as challenging as they can be, while still being engaging for all players. This personalised approach makes gamers stay longer and more satisfied; this also keeps churn down and is a great way to lower churn down player. It is also based on data analytics that casinos can benefit from to determine high value customers and to craft retention plans.
Tailored recommendations
Personalized marketing is a tool which allows casinos to provide personalized experiences to their players. In real time data analysis, personalized algorithms will find and predict customer needs and habits – enabling casino marketers to provide the most relevant promotions that help boost player conversions.
For instance, regular poker players can get poker tournament promotions and regular slot machines players can get free spins and new exclusive games. It is that kind of personalised communication that drives retention and loyalty, since players will feel listened to and appreciated.
Casinos need a great technology platform to enable personalization at scale. A CRM/ loyalty platform will allow you to segment in the right way by collecting and connecting various data sources.
AI-driven NPCs
AI-based NPCs are disrupting the game world with realistic behavior and reacting to player movements for an improved experience. Integrating base technologies such as Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, these AI NPCs can be also reacted to player movements for the first time in a player-centered game.
CD Projekt Red’s NPCs in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can even be recalled and change their behavior to fit an interaction before, making worlds feel a bit more natural. CD Projekt Red’s NPCs can let players know how decisions made will effect them, by remembering the choices players made, and then letting them see what their decisions have looked like.
Yet inventing autonomously thinking NPCs presents moral issues. Such characters might also create stories that disrupt a story line and go against the players’ will, making AI responsible implementation a real headache for developers.
Personalized rewards and incentives
Tailored rewards and incentives can also be a great way to create loyalty and attract return business, not to mention differentiate casinos from their competitors with a genuine concern and care about what customers want.
Station Casinos’ real-time data analytics help them recognize players who are approaching spending limit and send them tailored free slot play or free meals in a proactive way to cut down on exiting players and boost return visits. This is proactive, which also works to prevent player churn and encourage players to come back.
Live casinos operators acknowledge that every gambler differs in their wagering patterns and can customize bonuses such as free spins on slots or free chips on table games based on the type of game that each player enjoys. It tells customers that they matter to them, while bonding them closer to the brand.
Operators of casino can use player data analysis and targeted marketing tools to create more effective strategies of interaction. These digital strategies help operators optimize their loyalty programs and retention, and save on the expense of bonus initiatives.
Segmenting is the secret to successfully running casino strategies. One way to do that is by sophisticated filtering with player preferences and actions in mind – this kind of personalisation is fun for the player and makes him/her feel as if the casino knows you!
For instance, casinos might promote colourful nightclubs for young adults or high-stakes games for hosted players – that type of customisation gives players a sense of a story and stronger brand affinity – in the way that Netflix tailors content and promotions for its subscribers using data analysis.
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